Friday, February 27, 2015

Vicious Gossip

I don't like to spread rumors, but I heard that this week's Deedlecast is just a collection of "Vicious Gossip."  They say gossip is the devil's radio.  If that's true, let's turn up the volume a little.

If you don't have something nice to say about someone, come sit by me.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Nine Tenths

This week, we celebrate nine years of Deedlecast.  That's 468 Fridays we've faced the music together since our humble beginning in 2006.  Today's show not only celebrates our nine tenths of a decade of Deedlecast, but also launches season ten, the show's final season.  

We still have a full year left to face the music together.  Let's celebrate!  

Check out this episode!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Wicked & Lazy

DJDeedle's been a little wicked an lazy this week and hasn't mixed you a brand new Deedlecast.  This week's show is a never before aired mix put together back in 2008, but for some reason got left on the shelf.  So, as we approach Deedlecast's 9th anniversary, DJDeedle's sharing this "lost" mix.  

Welcome to the house of the "Wicked & Lazy."

Check out this episode!

Friday, February 06, 2015

Music in Your Head

That music in your head - don't tune it out, revel in it.  Music is a language we all understand, and that tune in your head is trying to tell you something.  Give it your full attention!

Check out this episode!