Friday, November 28, 2008

Musicogenic Seizures


Musicogenic epilepsy is a form of reflex or affective epilepsy, and involves autonomic, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional reactions to selected musical stimuli.  The associated musicogenic seizures are generally believed to be caused by the juxtaposition of musical sounds and frequencies that are incomprehensible to the human brain, or that evoke emotional reactions shocking to the psyche.

Sound frightening?  It's just the normal state of things on Deedlecast, and this week's Deedlecast is designed to get all your synapses firing:  This is your brain on music.  If you happen to be prone to such seizures, please refrain from enjoying Deedlecast while driving or operating heavy machinery.  

Also, if a rude word or two flips your switch, be warned there are a few in this show. 

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Musicogenic_Seizures.mp3

Monday, November 24, 2008



Inflected Form(s):
plural port·man·teaus or port·man·teaux \-(ˌ)tōz\

1: a large suitcase

: a word or morpheme whose form and meaning are derived from a blending of two or more distinct forms or words
(as smog from smoke and fog)

Middle French portemanteau, from porter to carry + manteau mantle, from Latin mantellum — more at port

This week's show takes a quieter, mellower tone. The components of this
Deedlecast are each blends of two or more distinct sounds or songs,
portmanteaux themselves.

In fact, even the words Deedlecast and podcast are portmateaux.
Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Portmanteau.mp3

Friday, November 14, 2008

Mixtape Essential

Once the cornerstone of hand-made mixing, the art of the mixtape essentially has been lost, a casualty of sometimes cruel technological progress and fickle fashion.  Somehow, a drag-and-drop iTunes playlist just doesn't have the magic of a lovingly and painstakingly crafted mixtape labored over for hours in unglamorous real-time analog.  The casette tape has gone the way of the dodo, and even the compact disk rides off into the technological sunset.

But there is life after life for the mixtape in the virtual afterworld: a place where every song is selected with utmost care, enjoyed in real-time, every minute savored, and variety and innovation transcending what many saw as the cramped and archaic medium of the cassette tape.   DJDeedle presents the mixtape essentials.  A salute to cassette culture.

Caution:  As with any good mixtape, there are few choice words in this one.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Mixtape_Essential.mp3

Friday, November 07, 2008

The Hepcat Club

Hipsters, flipsters, and finger-poppin' daddies -- knock me your lobes.

Hipster or Hepcat, as used in the 1940s, referred to aficionados of jazz, in particular modern jazz, which became popular in the early '40s. The hipster adopted the lifestyle of the jazz musician, including their manner of dress, slang terminology, use of cannabis and other drugs, relaxed attitude, sarcastic humor, self-imposed poverty, and relaxed sexual codes.

What does it mean to be hip? The hip thing is to be able to perform the exactly appropriate action at all times, and that not easy, daddio.  When in doubt, be cool. That's all there is to it.

Regardless of whether you are hepcat or a square, this week, DJDeedle's got you covered and will get you into this 21st Century reinterpretation of the Hepcat Club.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_The_Hepcat_Club.mp3

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Macheesmo: Empowerment in the Kitchen

DJDeedle's friend, Nick, has launched a tasty new website all about food.  Nick calls his creation, "Macheesmo." 

What is Nick's website all about? 

and cooking have become much too serious. This thing which should be
fun and somewhat whimsical, but at the same time essential, has been
lost to a world of processed, fast, and unhealthy food. The goal of
this site is to explore cooking and food and also show people that it
can be fun, exciting, and rewarding

What does "Macheesmo" mean?  Let Nick tell you:

is about empowerment in the kitchen. I want people to feel confident
around food. One thing that we can control is what we eat and what we
feed those we care about. That’s why the motto for this site is: Cook

you proudly go out on a Saturday night in a black t-shirt with flour
stuck to it, that is Macheesmo. When you spend two days carefully
preparing ribs that your friends devour in ten minutes, that is
Macheesmo. When you can confidently cook for your girlfriend’s mom…
Well, you get the idea.

Get your Macheesmo on at: