Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Night Shift, DJDeedle's 2011 Mash/Mix (Single)

A dear and longtime friend of DJDeedle's mentioned the other day that he had been working back-to-back night shifts.  Since that time, the Commodores' song "Night Shift" has been playing in the DJ's head. When that happens, these songs on mental replay more often than not collide with other beats, rhythms, and other songs.  And so, the Commodores' 1982 hit, "Night Shift," finds itself in 2011, familiar, yet transformed in this DJDeedle single mash/remix.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Camera Obscura

This week, DJDeedle bends and refracts sound, making it crisp and sharp, bringing everything into focus. Into the darkened room, pure light and sound combine to bring you perfect clarity.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Wired 4 Sound

Deedlecast is hardwired to bring you the the freshest, most innovative, and uttlerly surprizing sound.   Once you've experienced this week's driving rhythms and unique beats and melodies, you'll be fully "Wired 4 Sound."

Friday, April 08, 2011

Americana 2.0

America music influences culture all over the world.  We've exported our jazz, rock n roll, hip-hop, and rap to the rest of the globe.  Those forms of music pick up new influences along the way and get reimported and reintegrated into American sound.  It's time for a new Americana for the 21st century.  This week DJDeedle presents "Americana 2.0."
Like American culture, this show contains a rude word or two.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Street Level

This week, Deedlecast takes to the streets. On Street Level, you'll find the right tempo, the hustle and bustle, the best gritty grimy beats, and the sights and sounds that'll have you dancing in the streets.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Street_Level.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:00 AM