Friday, November 27, 2009


This holiday week, DJDeedle dials the beat down a little. Or does he? This Deedlecast is all sleight of hand, smoke and mirrors, and you'll never guess what's coming next. 
Direct download: Deedlecast_-_SmokeMirror.mp3

Friday, November 20, 2009

32-bit DJ

Technology is notoriously fickle.  What today is state-of-the art is laughably dated tomorrow.  Though the digital world may be moving from quaint 32-bit to zippy 64-bit, this digital deejay is in no hurry. 

Find all this computer architecture stuff a little mystifying? No worry.  Leave it all to DJDeedle - for now, your 32-bit DJ.  This week's Deedlecast weaves the old and the new, the digital and the analog, the electronic and the acoustic. The music may be virtual, but the DJ is very real. 

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_32-bit_DJ.mp3

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Visitation

They've arrived unexpectedly, and it appears they'd like to stay.  Beware of visitors bearing gifts. 

This week, DJDeedle brings you the sounds you need to keep your sanity when it looks like there's no escape. 

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Visitation.mp3

Friday, November 06, 2009


"If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."  Carl Sagan, "Cosmos"

Cosmology is the study of the universe and humankind's place in it.  When DJDeedle was a  young geeky human, one of his heroes was the famed astronomer, astrophysicist, and cosmologist, Carl Sagan.  Your humble deejay even had the fortune to meet Sagan, and hear him speak just a year or two before the astronomer's unexpected death in 1996. 

This week, the week of Sagan's November 9 birthday, DJDeedle salutes him with a tapestry of sound that, like the cosmos, is fluid, but lumpy, sometimes dark, and sometimes sublimely beautiful.  This Deedlecast starts with Sagan's voice, and ends with a DJDeedle remix/mashup of two youtube creations, a moving and haunting tribute to Sagan and his work, "Cosmos," and an ode to science and man's place in the cosmos, featuring Sagan and his colleague scientists, Bill Nye, Stephen Hawking, Richard Feynman, and Neil DeGrasse Tyson. 

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Cosmology_x.mp3