Friday, May 06, 2011

Strong Legacy

Leaving a legacy takes planning, foresight, and cold calculation.  This week, DJDeedle's got all the processors running and all circuits functioning to create a moment in music you won't soon forget.  Step inside the digital mind and experience a "Strong Legacy."

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Night Shift, DJDeedle's 2011 Mash/Mix (Single)

A dear and longtime friend of DJDeedle's mentioned the other day that he had been working back-to-back night shifts.  Since that time, the Commodores' song "Night Shift" has been playing in the DJ's head. When that happens, these songs on mental replay more often than not collide with other beats, rhythms, and other songs.  And so, the Commodores' 1982 hit, "Night Shift," finds itself in 2011, familiar, yet transformed in this DJDeedle single mash/remix.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Camera Obscura

This week, DJDeedle bends and refracts sound, making it crisp and sharp, bringing everything into focus. Into the darkened room, pure light and sound combine to bring you perfect clarity.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Wired 4 Sound

Deedlecast is hardwired to bring you the the freshest, most innovative, and uttlerly surprizing sound.   Once you've experienced this week's driving rhythms and unique beats and melodies, you'll be fully "Wired 4 Sound."

Friday, April 08, 2011

Americana 2.0

America music influences culture all over the world.  We've exported our jazz, rock n roll, hip-hop, and rap to the rest of the globe.  Those forms of music pick up new influences along the way and get reimported and reintegrated into American sound.  It's time for a new Americana for the 21st century.  This week DJDeedle presents "Americana 2.0."
Like American culture, this show contains a rude word or two.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Street Level

This week, Deedlecast takes to the streets. On Street Level, you'll find the right tempo, the hustle and bustle, the best gritty grimy beats, and the sights and sounds that'll have you dancing in the streets.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Street_Level.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:00 AM

Friday, March 25, 2011


This week's show is neither pop art, nor pop tart. It's Popt Art. No toaster required. Once you've had your art popt, you won't want to go back.  

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_PoptArt.mp3

Friday, March 18, 2011

Catalyst no. 69

What's the secret ingredient that makes all Deedlecasts work? It's Catalyst no. 69.  What's so special about the 69?  Simple. It's goovy.

Friday, March 11, 2011


The boombox is back.  No need to lug that old thing around on your shoulder anymore to get that boombox experience, no cassette tapes to rewind or fast forward.   Just crank it up, preferably in a residential area.

Direct download:

Friday, February 25, 2011

Mood Underground

Welcome to Deedlecast's 5th Anniversary show.  We've come a long way together over those 260 shows and 28 singles.  This week, DJDeedle takes you on a ride on the Mood Underground.  The Mood Underground is free of charge. Yet, no mood, no matter how high or low, is without some cost.  DJDeedle's Mood Underground runs every day, with nonstop service to all your favorite emotions.  All are welcome aboard.  

Friday, February 18, 2011


This week, DJDeedle elevates the discourse, taking the musical fun to an entirely new level. Going up! All aboard!
Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Elevate.mp3

Friday, February 11, 2011


On February 8, 1974, the final astronaut crew of the orbiting Skylab splashed down.  Sadly, Skylab, humankind's first foray into inhabiting space, would tumble to Earth in 1979.  This week, DJDeedle honors the memory of the star of 1970s science with some 21st Century sounds.  All the fun of being in orbit, without the messy burning up in the atmosphere.

Direct download:

Friday, February 04, 2011


This week on Deedlecast, droids, robots, and automatons: the marriage of music and machine.  With the proper programming and motivation, lubricated by creativity, and powered by a spark of innovation, automation can be a form of art.    

Want more DJDeedle robotica? Try iRobot (9/12/2008) and DJDroid (6/1/2010).

Friday, January 28, 2011

Deedlecast Android App

Deedlecast can now be delivered directly to your Android device.  The Deedlecast Android App is a wonderfully convenient way to get your weekly Deedlecast instantly on your phone.  You can also star your favorite episodes and save them to a list so you can enjoy them over and over.
As an added bonus, DJDeedle makes each Friday's show available via the app on Thursday.

The app contains the following additional features:
  • Streaming access to play episodes from anywhere
  • Always updated with the latest episodes- and an archived back catalog
  • Playback resume (when interrupted by a call or other distraction)
  • Access to exclusive extras like PDFs, wallpapers, and bonus content
  • Quick access to all the contact methods for the show like call, email, web, Facebook, and Twitter
Sadly, the developer of the app requires that it cost $1.99 to buy. Rest assured, DJDeedle doesn't get a penny of this.  If it were up to DJDeedle, the app would be free. 
Deedlecast App 3D bar code


As with life, sometimes things musical can get a bit complex: webs of sound, beat, and rhythm, the old combined with the new, the familiar woven into the strange. Welcome to the complex.

Direct download:

Friday, January 21, 2011


This week, DJDeedle punks old, new, and classic sounds, beats, and rhythms to bring you an entirely new gramophonic experience. The venerable old sound machine punked and renewed for your pleasure.

Direct Download:

Friday, January 14, 2011

Electric Blue

Everyone gets the blues sometimes, particularly in the cold winter months. The blues don't have to be a bad thing, so long as they are electric blues. This week, turn up the heat, and go electric - Electric Blue.

Friday, January 07, 2011

New New Wave

The New Wave phenomenon of the 1980s brought a new sound and beat to the music world. Bands like Orchestral Manoeuvers in the Dark and New Order pioneered the groundbreaking sound that changed music forever. It's been decades since the New Wave was new. Now, in honor of the new year, DJDeedle reinvigorates the New Wave sound of synth-based twitchy melodies, with agitated rhythm guitars, fast tempos, as well as those stop-and-start song structures and melodies so characteristic of the genre. This Deedlecast starts off with a DJDeedle original remix of OMD's "Sister Marie," which captures the sound and rhythm of New Wave, updated for 2011.

This week, the New New Wave.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_New_New_Wave.mp3