Friday, June 21, 2013

The Doc is In

If you are familiar with the ITV series, Doc Martin, you know that it is about a highly successful and well educated London surgeon moving to a remote village to be a country doctor.  The central theme of the show is that the sophisticated and irascible Doc just doesn’t fit into the bucolic country culture. Doc Martin sees things one way, and his patients see it quite differently most of the time. As the series progresses, we learn that the perspective of the decidedly type A Doc needs changing as badly as the parochial and eccentric outlook of his patients.  Sometimes throwing together some unlikely, strange, and bizarre combinations, however, can result in the most interesting and satisfying harmonies. The show’s producers set the series to the elegant Tango and Spanish-style music of Colin Towns. A very strange choice for a series about a town in the Cornish seaside. But the music just works.  DJDeedle’s taken some of this excellent music and combined it in some pretty unlikely and unexpected ways.  

This week, the Doc is in.  

Check out this episode!