Friday, December 27, 2013

Fast Break

Everyone needs a break now and then, and DJDeedle's no exception.  As Deedlecast closes in on the end of its eighth year, DJDeedle's going to take a little hiatus from weekly production.  This week's show has all the quick changes and fast breaks you love.  This final Deedlecast of 2013, "Fast Break," will be the last new show for a bit while DJDeedle enjoys a little hiatus, a creative vacation.  

Don't worry. You'll still be able to face the music every Friday, even while DJDeedle's resting.  Each week during the break, we'll feature a classic Deedlecast, remastered and re-released.  The break will be a great time for those of you who've tuned in for years to rehear some of those great old shows.  For those of you who are newer to Deedlecast, you can discover some great shows from the archive that you've missed.  

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Wintry Mix (A Holiday Minimix)

Here's a special little stocking stuffer for you on Christmas eve.  DJDeedle's woven together the sounds of the season into a short mix that's chill and cool at the same time.  A real wintry mix.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Seasonally Cool

It's that time again, time for DJDeedle's annual holiday special. And as he's done every year, DJDeedle really knows how to move those familiar and nostalgic sounds of the season around to make them just a bit more interesting, and a lot more fun. With a little help from Deedlecast, your season's going to be very bright, indeed. 

Whether you're laughing through the snow or at the beach, your holiday is about to get cool, seriously seasonally cool.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Body in Motion

With winter here, it's tempting to dig in, hibernate, and wait until spring.  But your body deserves better. You need to move, stretch your arms and legs, be active, and get your blood pumping.  Newton's first law says that a body in motion tends to stay in motion.  This week, DJDeedle gives you the energy you need to get yourself in motion and stay that way.  Get up, get out, get down.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, December 06, 2013


Remember that silly urban legend from the 80s about how Mikey from the Life Cereal commercial had blown himself up mixing Poprocks and Coke? We believed a lot of silly things in the 80s. Ridiculous things like “trickle-down economics” (aka Reaganomics), and thinking things like parachute pants and Members Only jackets were cool, or that no one would ever need a computer in their house. And what about all that high hair? What were we thinking? We one thing from the 80s is rock solid and timeless: the 80s sound.

This week, DJDeedle pops those totally awesome 80s tunes. Classic pop really does rock.

Check out this episode!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Unique Ensemble

An "ensemble" is a unit or group of complementary parts that contribute to a single effect.  This week, just in time for Thanksgiving, DJDeedle has thrown together the unlikely and unexpected, things you'd never thought would work together.  Somehow, it all works out to a seamless and "Unique Ensemble."    These are things that go together well. Très bien ensemble, as the song goes.

Check out this episode!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Night Light

With the days getting shorter those autumn nights can seem even darker.  DJDeedle's got just the just the thing to illuminate your night and see you through to the light of day.  Those sounds you hear at night are nothing to be afraid of if you've got a night light.

Check out this episode!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Now & Again

Every now and again, you should immerse yourself in pure sound.  This week, DJDeedle brings you the sounds of now and then to get your blood pumping, your mind focused, and your spirit cleansed.  No matter what the clock says, it's always the right time for "Now&Again." 

Check out this episode!

Friday, November 08, 2013

Wild Nite

It's going to be another one of those crazy old nights.  We're going to find out what turns on your lights. This week, a classic collection of old and new, wild and tame.  In between the dark and the light, you'll find a "Wild Nite." 

Check out this episode!

Friday, November 01, 2013

Epic Groove

What makes a groove epic?  Well, it should be timeless, moving, and thoroughly unique and engaing.  It should draw you in and mesmerize you from the first to the final note. But most importantly, it should be a groove everyone can get down to. Every week, DJDeedle delivers you something epic.  This week, Epic Groove. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Tape Deck

Ah the old mixtape.  Before there were itunes playlists or CD-ROMs, we patiently sat in front of our tape decks and turntables making sentimental, methodical, and thoughtful mixes in real-time. No sterile dragging and dropping digital files. We listened to every note, pouring our hearts into making every millimeter of tape count, every second of time meaningful before the dreaded finality of the hiss of the end of the tape.  So here it is. A simulacrum of and a requiem to those simpler analog days.  Press play on the Tape Deck. Be transported.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, October 18, 2013


The sounds of the past and the present meet to become the sound of the future.  The future doesn't have to suck, because it is what we make it.  Segue seamlessly between now and then, and find yourself in "FutuRetro." 

Check out this episode!

Friday, October 11, 2013


This week, a slammin' jam filled with amazing jazz, funk, bossa nova, disco, pop, hip-hop.  So cool it's hot. A glamorous collection of complete and utter "Jamnation." 

Check out this episode!

Friday, October 04, 2013

The Loft

It's definitely time to get away from all that drama and stress going on. Escape to "The Loft" and chill out.  Run into old friends. Meet new ones.  Shut down the anxiety. Furlough your worries.  It's time to rise above it all in "The Loft."

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Thunder Line

All aboard! It's time to catch The Thunder Line.  The Thunder Line is the fast train to the rock music you love, with stops in Classic, Metal, Pop, and Punk.  An express train to all the best places to rock in Funky Town.  No ticket required!

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 20, 2013


Deedlecast studios are powered by an array of solar panels. That means each and every Deedlecast is infused with the power of the tropical Kauai sun.  Though you won't need sunscreen, like the island sun, this week's Deedlecast can be intense.   At last, a renewable and clean source of electronic dance music.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Other Side

You know you've always wanted to kow what it was like on the other side. Don't try to run. Don't try to hide. This week, at long last you have your chance to break on through to the other side.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 06, 2013

Hipster Hop

What the hell is a "hipster?" DJDeedle freely admits to not knowing precisely what a hipster is.  But, perhaps this may be forgiven as hipsters don't seem to know either. From DJDeedle's decidely square perspective, hipsterism appears to be centered mainly around not being "mainstream" (whatever that means), creating a unique appearance, and a desire to be interesting and different. This focus on non-conformity merely for the sake of non-conformity introduces a genuine irony.  By not conforming in such similar ways, hipsters are conforming to a now mainstream and cliched stereotype of, well, a hipster.

One aspect of hipsterism that DJDeedle does understand, however, is the appropriation and use of objects, cliches, and symbols redolent of other eras and cultures for artistic or expressive purposes. DJDeedle hopes that this week's clash of hip-hop against pop, indie, classic rock, etc. will entertain and delight hipsters and squares alike.

Check out this episode!

Friday, August 30, 2013


Occupying the spectrum between 1,800–30,000 kHz, shortwave radio is ideal for long distance communication because the radio waves are reflected back to Earth from the ionosphere, allowing communication around the curve of the Earth.  This week, DJDeedle has taken control of this dynamic slice of frequencies to bring you a most amazing mix of shortwave sound.  So, no matter where you are on the planet, you're in "Shortwave" range. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Retro Go!

They say you can't know where you're going unless you know where you've been.  This week, DJDeedle fires the retro rockets, propelling you both backward and forward at the same time.  On your mark. Get set. Retro go!

Check out this episode!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Delicious Disco

This week, full-flavored disco.  All the complex textures and flavors of classic and modern disco combine to bring you a banquet of sumptuous beats (not "beets").  Sweet, sour, salty, and 100% fresh. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, August 09, 2013

Me Generation

Initially, the "Me Generation" referred to the Baby Boomers, who, during the 60s, 70s, and 80s experienced a period of self-realization, self-fulfillment, and even self-involvement.  This era produced some of the most amazing self indulgent music, and these sounds are all part of that new spirit of individualism pioneered by the "Me Generation."   Now, a new generation, the millennials, has been dubbed not merely the "Me Generation" but the "ME ME ME Generation."  It's time to see what these two generations dedicated to self-realization and instant gratification can generate together!

Check out this episode!

Friday, August 02, 2013

Hot Radio

Your radio's been boosted! Don't worry. DJDeedle is returning it to you hotter than ever. Purloined sounds from radio stations across the dial, hot hits, new and old, merge together to bring you the most combustible sound around.

Check out this episode!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Mean Streets

Hot time! Summer in the city can be so much fun.  The mean streets generate a mean sound.  This week, DJDeedle captures the very essence of those mean city vibes.  Immerse yourself in the gritty, bluesy summer city scene. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, July 19, 2013


Whether it's family or graduating classes, summer is "Reunion" time.  Time to get together with long lost relations and chums, folks you haven't seen for awhile, and see just how much they've changed.  This week, those old favorites have returned, but like your high school classmates, they've changed quite a bit. Some have updated their look. Some have had complete makeovers.  But they've all had some work done, if you know what I mean.

This week's "Reunion" is full of surprises. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Deedlecast Windows Phone App

At last, it's here!  Windows Phone owners can now get their weekly dose of Deedlecast on their phones and tablets using the new Windows Phone App.  It's available at:

Like the Android and iOS Deedlecast apps, Windows app owners get their weekly show a day earlier than everyone else.  Face the music on Thursday rather than waiting until Friday.

Check out this episode!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Clock Logic

Perfectly timed. Perfectly tuned.  DJDeedle applies some rationality and reason to the elements to this week's Deedlecast, and an extraordinary and fascinating groove is the only logical result.  Let logic and reason rule the day.

Check out this episode!

Friday, July 05, 2013

Escape Plan

Summer is the perfect time to get away, and this week DJDeedle has your "Escape Plan."  Just press "play" and the perfect plan is revealed! 

Check out this episode!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Night Vision

They say when you are deprived of one sense, the other senses take over, becoming more acute, more attuned to nuance and detail you never noticed before. Peer into the dark and you'll find all kinds of surprises. This week, see the night in a whole new light.  There's no need to be afraid of the dark. Your "Night Vision" is crystal clear. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Doc is In

If you are familiar with the ITV series, Doc Martin, you know that it is about a highly successful and well educated London surgeon moving to a remote village to be a country doctor.  The central theme of the show is that the sophisticated and irascible Doc just doesn’t fit into the bucolic country culture. Doc Martin sees things one way, and his patients see it quite differently most of the time. As the series progresses, we learn that the perspective of the decidedly type A Doc needs changing as badly as the parochial and eccentric outlook of his patients.  Sometimes throwing together some unlikely, strange, and bizarre combinations, however, can result in the most interesting and satisfying harmonies. The show’s producers set the series to the elegant Tango and Spanish-style music of Colin Towns. A very strange choice for a series about a town in the Cornish seaside. But the music just works.  DJDeedle’s taken some of this excellent music and combined it in some pretty unlikely and unexpected ways.  

This week, the Doc is in.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, June 14, 2013


Escape to the Hideaway, your destination for groovy tunes, wicked beats, and unexpected rhythms.  No need to knock. Just come right in and join the relaxing fun.  You deserve a little break.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, June 07, 2013

Hot Summer Nights

Days are getting longer and the temperatures are rising. When the sun goes down, set yourself free from oppressive heat of the day with the hot music and steamy rhythms of this week's Deedlecast.  It's the perfect sound for your late night summer celebrations.  Revel in the heat. Don't fight it. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, May 31, 2013


The summer season has finally arrived. Sunny days and sultry nights are perfect for summer concerts and music festivals.  This week, indulge in sounds from the 60s and 70s, the golden age of rock music, blended with 21st Century flavors and textures. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, May 24, 2013

The System

How does DJDeedle produce these intricate and amazing Deedlecasts ever week? He has a system all his own.  This is one system you won't mind being part of.  

Remember, if you can't break the system, own it.  

Welcome to The System.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, May 17, 2013


Music today tends to be all flavor and no texture. All juice and no pulp. This week, the hits of yesterday and today don't just get a good mashing, they get pulped.  For your dining and dancing pleasure, "Pulp." 

Check out this episode!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Wild Abandon

It's time to get back to the wild.  The beats of this week's Deedlecast are designed to help you shed your inhibitions, and go wild.  Go ahead, let your nature in and dance to wild abandon. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, May 03, 2013


Spring is here, and summer is just on the horizon. Time to unwind to a new beat, a chilled rhythm, a unique tempo. Sit back and relax in the warm sunshine. Let the stresses of the day melt away as you unwind to some chill electro-house.  It's the perfect time.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, April 26, 2013


If your favorite song today has any kind of rhythm or beat, it owes all that razzmatazz to the innovations of the Jazz Age. The Jazz Age, typically refers to a period of time between 1919 and 1929.  In reality, though, it never ended.  Modern music owes its very existence to the innovations of jazz musicians like Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Dizzie Gillespie, Louis Armstrong, Glenn Miller, and Tommy Dorsey, and jazz singers like Billie Holiday, Peggy Lee, Ella Fitzgerald, Cab Callaway, Ray Charles, and Bessie Smith.  Rock, hip-hop, rap, funk, disco, house, trance, even country music, employ elements of blues, ragtime, swing, or New Orleans jazz.  This week, DJDeedle returns the favor by bringing all these modern musical genres back to jazz.

Check out this episode!

Friday, April 19, 2013


You're free! The fetters are off. Conventional music is a thing of the past.  Join DJDeedle this week as he lets this Deedlecast off the chain. It's okay - let the freedom go to your head. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Code Generation

No matter when you were born or what generation you belong to, you've either got to break the code, or the code will break you. This week on Deedlecast, DJDeedle generates a little code of his own, breaks it, and reassembles it into amazing electronic dance music. Let the code move you. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, April 05, 2013


A walkabout is an ancient tradition. A journey into the wilderness of discovery. Discovery about the world and about yourself.  Come walkabout with DJDeedle and let your feet carry you to new and unexpected vistas, as well as some comforting and familiar ones.  After your walkabout, nothing is every the same.  Don't worry about how your got here. Focus on where you're going. The joy is in the journey.

Check out this episode!

Friday, March 29, 2013


Sometimes, in order to get the reaction you want, you need a special something. A catalyst. An element or a compound. A dose of power or a spark of inspiration. It's not chemical equations we're talking about here, though. This week, DJDeedle applies his own special kind of catalysis to bring some markedly different sounds from all over the globe into complete harmony.  Prepare for a truly unexpected reaction. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Pirate Technology

Ahoy all you pirates and pirettes out there.  It's time to take a voyage on the seas of high technology to see what bootie we can find. Purloined or proper, these sounds will put wind in your sails and a shiver in your timbers.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Dance Machine

It's time to fire up that old dance machine and get yourself moving! This week, all the switches are on, the throttle's open, and the machine is roaring to life.  Go ahead, take it for a spin.

Check out this episode!

Friday, March 08, 2013

Backwards | Forwards

Sometimes you have to rewind just a bit in order to move forward.  This week DJDeedle turns back time just a little to bring you the sounds of today and yesterday woven into the rhythms of tomorrow.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, March 01, 2013

No Regrets

Live hard. Love hard. Play hard. Take risks. Live life with no regrets.  DJDeedle launches his eighth year of Deedlecast with no regrets at all. That means taking chances. It's time to depart the comfort zone.

Check out this episode!

Friday, February 22, 2013

End of the Beginning (7th Anniversary Deedlecast)

This week marks seven years of Deedlecast. That's 364 Fridays we've faced the music together.  Never fear. This milestone the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. It is merely the "End of the Beginning."  DJDeedle's got so much musical goodness to share that these past seven years have just been the start, the mere beginning of even greater things.  

Who would have thought all those years ago that Deedlecast would attract a global audience of hundreds of thousands getting their weekly Deedlecasts via RSS, web, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, email, and Android and iOS apps?

Check out this episode!

Friday, February 15, 2013


This week, DJDeedle plugs directly into the core for that electric sound, that spark of light, and that jolt of inspiration.  Electricity can be dangerous. So listen closely. You don't know what you're delaing with here.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, February 08, 2013

Groove Session

Ready to get your groove on? This week, DJDeedle's got grooves galore waiting in the mix just for you. Let's boogie tonight.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, February 01, 2013


Whoa there! Slow down. Time to take a break from all that craziness. DJDeedle says relax and take the tempo down to an easy pace.  This is a perfect time to go Slo-Fi.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, January 25, 2013


What does a dj do with an audience that spans generations? Mix the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, and 10s together - that's what DJDeedle does.  Five decades of sound mixed for your dancing pleasure.  If you weren't lucky enough to be at DJDeedle's live Kauai debut on Saturday, January 19, here's a little taste of that night's set.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, January 18, 2013


If you don't stop and listen to the music once in awhile, you could miss it. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dickheads all agree. It's time to come correct and get righteous.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Deedlecast Country

Welcome to the country. Deedlecast country.  All the sophistication and technology of the city, with the simplicity, comfort, and relaxed pace of the country.  It's the digital age with that old country style hickory smoked flavor you love.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, January 04, 2013

Disco Stew

It's time to warm up your chilly winter with a nice hot serving of Disco Stew.  This first Deedlecast of 2013 is designed to warm you up and get your blood pumping.  It's got a tantilizingly complex flavor, reminiscent of those tastes you loved from the 70s, served 21st Century style.

Check out this episode!