Friday, June 05, 2009

Slap Happy

News that Vince Shlomi, aka the "Slap Chop guy" or the "Sham Wow guy," was arrested for felony battery
when a game of slap and tickle with a Miami prostitute turned violent,
prompted DJDeedle to take some liberties with Slap Chop guy's
infomercial.  Actually, DJDeedle took liberties with a youtube spoof, Slap Rap Featuring Vince (Slapchop Remix), that takes its own liberties with that famous infomercial to hilarious effect.  This show also features a musical take on Christian Bale getting slap happy
himself and throwing a superstar sized tantrum.   DJDeedle strenuously
opposes and abjures violence of any kind, particularly by infomercial
and film stars with inflated egos.  So, this week, let's all get a
little slap happy at their expense.

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