Friday, August 25, 2006

Stairways to Heaven

For lo these many years, gentle listener, DJDeedle has observed most faithfully a "no Stairway" policy in both his musical and personal affairs. But when the venerable WFMU collected over sixty (60) versions of Led Zeppelin's moldy classic, "Stairway to Heaven," how could a dj resist turning all those minutes of musical roadkill into musical overkill for your listening pleasure? Fear not. DJDeedle will not subject you to all sixty-plus versions. Rather, DJDeedle has reviewed them all, selected the gems, and distilled a them to about 40 minutes.
Trust me, after you've listened to this many versions of "Stairway to Heaven" you'll likely adopt a "no Stairway" policy of your own.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Stairways_to_Heaven.mp3

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