"Every great truth begins as a blasphemy."
-- George Bernard Shaw
"Irreverence is the champion of liberty."
-- Mark Twain
Wednesday, September 30 was
International Blasphemy Day,
the day to thumb your nose at religion. Clearly something as fun as
blasphemy should not be confined to only one day. So, this week
DJDeedle touches the third rail of any discourse, religion. Though
DJDeedle is most decidedly a skeptic and nonbeliever, utterly and
firmly unchurched, he realizes that artists throughout the ages,
including musicians, have included religious images and references in
their creations.
Modern musicians from Depeche Mode to Johnny Cash and
the Doobie Brothers and Kanye West have included references to Jesus in
their works, and others like
Jesus and Mary Chain and
MC 900 Foot Jesuseven included everyone's favorite imaginary friend in their band names.
If these august artists can take liberties with religion, so can
DJDeedle. Exercising your freedom of and from religion can be fun,
and above all, entertaining.