Friday, December 19, 2008

X-mas Frame of Mind

Even if your are like DJDeedle, and find the holiday season somewhat vexing, this time of year has its own magic, totally apart from any religious nonsense.  DJDeedle hopes this little twisted carol puts you in the right frame of mind to enjoy the season in your own way.  

If you just can't get enough of DJDeedle's holiday magic, check out these ghosts of Deedlecasts past.

Holly Jolly Syndicate

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Xmas_Frame_of_Mind.mp3

Friday, December 12, 2008

Loving New York

There are as many ways to love New York as there are things to
love about New York.  One of the things DJDeedle loves about New York
is its sound.  In the same way the city's diverse inhabitants mix and
mingle in to make New York one of the most extraordinary places on
Earth, the diverse sounds and musical styles of the city, from the
refined and classic to the gritty and cutting edge, come together into
something compelling and fresh.  

Just how do you love New York?

Warning:  New York style language throughout this Deedlecast. 

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Loving_New_York.mp3

Friday, December 05, 2008


crys·tal·ize (krst-lz)

1. To coalesce into an extremely hard, ordered repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions.

2. To make clear and more comprehensible, and to take on a definite meaning.

DJDeedle liberally applies the Crystal Method to create a hard, ordered repeating pattern extending in all auditory dimensions.

This Deedlecast contains a couple of clearly rude words.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Crystalize.mp3

Friday, November 28, 2008

Musicogenic Seizures


Musicogenic epilepsy is a form of reflex or affective epilepsy, and involves autonomic, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional reactions to selected musical stimuli.  The associated musicogenic seizures are generally believed to be caused by the juxtaposition of musical sounds and frequencies that are incomprehensible to the human brain, or that evoke emotional reactions shocking to the psyche.

Sound frightening?  It's just the normal state of things on Deedlecast, and this week's Deedlecast is designed to get all your synapses firing:  This is your brain on music.  If you happen to be prone to such seizures, please refrain from enjoying Deedlecast while driving or operating heavy machinery.  

Also, if a rude word or two flips your switch, be warned there are a few in this show. 

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Musicogenic_Seizures.mp3

Monday, November 24, 2008



Inflected Form(s):
plural port·man·teaus or port·man·teaux \-(ˌ)tōz\

1: a large suitcase

: a word or morpheme whose form and meaning are derived from a blending of two or more distinct forms or words
(as smog from smoke and fog)

Middle French portemanteau, from porter to carry + manteau mantle, from Latin mantellum — more at port

This week's show takes a quieter, mellower tone. The components of this
Deedlecast are each blends of two or more distinct sounds or songs,
portmanteaux themselves.

In fact, even the words Deedlecast and podcast are portmateaux.
Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Portmanteau.mp3

Friday, November 14, 2008

Mixtape Essential

Once the cornerstone of hand-made mixing, the art of the mixtape essentially has been lost, a casualty of sometimes cruel technological progress and fickle fashion.  Somehow, a drag-and-drop iTunes playlist just doesn't have the magic of a lovingly and painstakingly crafted mixtape labored over for hours in unglamorous real-time analog.  The casette tape has gone the way of the dodo, and even the compact disk rides off into the technological sunset.

But there is life after life for the mixtape in the virtual afterworld: a place where every song is selected with utmost care, enjoyed in real-time, every minute savored, and variety and innovation transcending what many saw as the cramped and archaic medium of the cassette tape.   DJDeedle presents the mixtape essentials.  A salute to cassette culture.

Caution:  As with any good mixtape, there are few choice words in this one.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Mixtape_Essential.mp3

Friday, November 07, 2008

The Hepcat Club

Hipsters, flipsters, and finger-poppin' daddies -- knock me your lobes.

Hipster or Hepcat, as used in the 1940s, referred to aficionados of jazz, in particular modern jazz, which became popular in the early '40s. The hipster adopted the lifestyle of the jazz musician, including their manner of dress, slang terminology, use of cannabis and other drugs, relaxed attitude, sarcastic humor, self-imposed poverty, and relaxed sexual codes.

What does it mean to be hip? The hip thing is to be able to perform the exactly appropriate action at all times, and that not easy, daddio.  When in doubt, be cool. That's all there is to it.

Regardless of whether you are hepcat or a square, this week, DJDeedle's got you covered and will get you into this 21st Century reinterpretation of the Hepcat Club.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_The_Hepcat_Club.mp3

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Macheesmo: Empowerment in the Kitchen

DJDeedle's friend, Nick, has launched a tasty new website all about food.  Nick calls his creation, "Macheesmo." 

What is Nick's website all about? 

and cooking have become much too serious. This thing which should be
fun and somewhat whimsical, but at the same time essential, has been
lost to a world of processed, fast, and unhealthy food. The goal of
this site is to explore cooking and food and also show people that it
can be fun, exciting, and rewarding

What does "Macheesmo" mean?  Let Nick tell you:

is about empowerment in the kitchen. I want people to feel confident
around food. One thing that we can control is what we eat and what we
feed those we care about. That’s why the motto for this site is: Cook

you proudly go out on a Saturday night in a black t-shirt with flour
stuck to it, that is Macheesmo. When you spend two days carefully
preparing ribs that your friends devour in ten minutes, that is
Macheesmo. When you can confidently cook for your girlfriend’s mom…
Well, you get the idea.

Get your Macheesmo on at:

Friday, October 31, 2008

With My Own Hands

Just in time for Halloween, DJDeedle toys with the laws of nature, and with his own hands constructs a musical mash monster by sewing together pieces of other people's tunes and charging them with a sudden flash of inspiration.

It's alive!  ALIVE! 

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_With_My_Own_Hands.mp3

Monday, October 27, 2008

Evilry, by Kevin Powers

Just in time for Halloween, Kevin Powers has launched a website, Evilry, showcasing his macabre musings, movie reviews, as well as his photographic and video creations. 

Check it out at

Friday, October 24, 2008


Between the idea

And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
T.S. Eliot

week, DJDeedle crosses the streams and lets the shadows, ghosts,
spirits, and phantasms take over Deedlecast studios to dance and rattle
their chains and bones.

Caution: this Deedlecast contains a ghastly word.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Phantasmic.mp3

Friday, October 17, 2008

Church of Cherry Chapstick

week, DJDeedle has saved you a pew in a church of a naughtier variety: 
The Church of Cherry Chapstick.  At this church, you may hear and do
some extraordinary things.  It feels so wrong, it feels so right. 

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Church_of_Cherry_Chapstick.mp3

Friday, October 10, 2008

[Re]Invented Radio

Radio, that venerated invention, has reinvented itself more times than Madonna. 

According to the radio experts, radio has had many incarnations:

Radio 1.0 - Martin Block / Make Believe Ballrooms, Classical Radio Drama.

Radio 2.0 - DJ’s and talk shows.

Radio 3.0 - Digital automation and radio groups along with the mainstreaming of public radio. 

Radio 4.0 – TBD

For radio, the times are always a-changin'.  This week DJDeedle salutes his friends in the radio industry who daily reinvent radio to keep it new and fresh, yet classic and familiar.  

Stop by and visit these radio pioneers: 

John Pemble at

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_ReInvented_Radio.mp3

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Deedlecast Email Subscriptions

Now there is a new way to get your dose of Deedlecast.  In addition subscribing through iTunes or via your feed reader,
you can get an email update when a new Deedlecast posts.  Simply sign
up using the link below, and you should receive a note in your inbox
when a new show has arrived.

Subscribe to Deedlecast by Email

Questions or problems with subscriptions?  Contact me

Friday, October 03, 2008

Press "1" for Old School

It's time for school, old skool. This week, DJDeedle calls class to
order, so prepare to be schooled. Want to find out what is on the
syllabus?  Press 1 for Old Skool. 

A word of warning:  This Deedlecast contains adult language and is for advanced students only.  Freshmen should probably take an intro course or two first. 

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Press_1_For_Old_Skool.mp3

Friday, September 26, 2008

Transporter Room 2

Grab your communicator, phaser, tricorder, and that weird spinny lipstick thing Dr. McCoy uses, and report to Transporter Room 2 for immediate transport to another unexplored part of the Deedleverse.  Trust me, you'll be going to a place vastly more fun than that purple-sky planet on the Paramount backlot.  

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Transporter_Room_2.mp3

Friday, September 19, 2008


This Deedlecast, "Metropolis," is inspired by the recent news that key scenes from the controversial and somewhat inscrutable 1927 silent film,"Metropolis," have been rediscovered in Argentina.  Upon its initial release, according to Zeitmagazin, "the film flopped with critics and audiences alike. Representatives of the American firm Paramount considerably shortened and re-edited the film. They oversimplified the plot, even cutting key scenes. The original version could only be seen in Berlin until May 1927 – from then on it was considered to have been lost forever."  

Cutting key scenes and re-editing the film had the effect of making its true meaning opaque and the film nearly incomprehensible; but it created a haunting and mysterious work of cinematic art.  With these new scenes, the mystery of the true meaning of the film "Metropolis" and the controversy that has surrounded the timeless film since 1927 may finally have been laid to rest.  With the passing of this mystery, DJDeedle feels that the world loses something intangible, yet valuable, and creates a "Metropolis" soundscape filled with inscrutable and controversial electronic aural inputs he hopes are worthy of the look, feel, and mystery of this enduring cinematic masterpiece.  

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Metropolis.mp3

Friday, September 12, 2008


Mad wicked Photoshop skills courtesy of Chris Spinosa

Modern demands and technology have made us all robots of one kind or
another these days. But even robots need music. Not unlike ourselves,
songs of love, loneliness, lust, loyalty, longing, and loss nourish
their circuits and gears. No matter what kind of robot you happen to
be, this Deedlecast will speak to you. All robots depicted in this
Deedlecast are purely fictional, and have no relation to me.

This Deedlecast features a treatment of Weekend Players' "I'll be There
for You." Take a moment and revisit DJDeedle's arrangment of this same
song at Tu ne's pas oublie.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_iRobot.mp3

Friday, September 05, 2008


Most US telephone customers are familiar with Jane Barbe (pronounced "Barbie") (July 29, 1928—July 18, 2003). Even though few of us ever met her, we have all heard her voice many times and know her as the "Telephone Lady" or the "Time Lady." Jane Barbe was an Americanvoice actress who did the later voice recordings for the Bell System. Her voice isheard by millions of people every day speaking for the telephone networks (changed numbers, disconnects, circuits busy, etc.), Bell Laboratory computers, The National Bureau of Standards, announcing ETC's Audichron® (formerly Audichron Company) time, temperature, and weather services, and on many voice mail systems nation wide. Her predecessor was Mary Moore, who was known for using a distinctive pronunciation of 9 (Ny-un) and 5 (Fy-uv). The distintive pronunciation was required because, on a poor quality line, "nine" and "five" can sound very similar.

DJDeedle dedicates this Deedlecast to these telephonic legends.

Just note. Those too young to remember who "Ma Bell" was may be too young for some of the language in this podcast.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Telephony.mp3

Friday, August 29, 2008

Rock Steady

Now that the country at long last has begun to come to it senses, two sensible and fair-minded states in the union have decided, at least for the time being, that marriage should not be restricted solely to people like Britney Spears and strangers who met the day before on a reality television show. You know, heterosexuals. This sudden unexpected moment of openmindedness, although limited to two states and the always sensible Canada, has given gays and lesbians the urge to make solemn what long before had to remain secret, and more recently, less secret, but unsolemnized and unrecognized by the civil authorities.

Two couples who are dear friends of your humble DJ have chosen to do just that: make it solemn, and make it legal (void where prohibited, some restrictions apply, see store for details). This week's Deedlecast is a salute to these rock steady couples, and others like them, who comprise the new Rock Steady Group. Cheers and mazal tov! Dale and Kevin, Matt and Alex, DJDeedle wishes you many years of health and happiness.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Rock_Steady.mp3

Friday, August 22, 2008

Hip-Hop Summer Non-Stop

The calendar tells us that the summer season is winding down. But the
summer still has some partying to do, and on Deedlecast, the gritty
summer hip-hop doesn't have to end.

Note: Rude words in this one

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Hip-hop_Summer_Dont_Stop.mp3

Friday, August 15, 2008

Supremely Special, Supremely Ross

Today's musical landscape would be much different if not for the Supremes, and particularly, Diana Ross. The Supremes were the most popular "girl group" of the 1960's, and the most successful vocal group of the period after the Beatles. The Supremes released hit after hit, charting a dozen number one hits between 1964 and 1969. Ultimately, in 1969, the original group split up, with Diana Ross going more or less solo, touring as Diana Ross & the Supremes, though without Florence Ballard and Mary Wilson.

The influence of the Supremes was vital in shaping the Motown sound and R&B. Similarly, the influence of Diana Ross and her solo work on R&B and Disco cannot be understated. The sounds they pioneered can be found throughout today's music, and modern musicians, both female and male, owe them a debt of gratitude for their groundbreaking work. This week, DJDeedle salutes the queens of popular music, both as a group and in their solo careers, the supremely special Supremes.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Supremely_Ross.mp3

Friday, August 08, 2008

No Tempo Ordinario

Tempo Ordinario:

In music, either moderate speed or four beats in a bar (as opposed to alla breve, where there are two beats in a bar).

Brace yourself. This week's Deedlecast is definitely no ordinary tempo.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_No_Tempo_Ordinario.mp3

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

iWood Touch

DJDeedle has always found something magical about juxtaposing the high-tech and the low-tech, the synthetic and the organic.

DJDeedle's friends at Miniot in Holland have obliged DJDeedle's fascination by fashioning a case for his iPod Touch out of mahogany. And to top it all off, they have stenciled the DJDeedle logo into the lid.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Electric Pie

There's nothing better than a nice slice of pie. DJDeedle has loaded
up this week's serving with many electronic layers, both familiar and
new, and all wrapped the flaky crust you've come to expect.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Electric_Pie.mp3

Friday, July 25, 2008

Down, Down, Down

With the economy in the toilet, gas prices at an all time high, rising inflation, falling wages, the housing bubble burst,and the stock market sagging, consumers are really feeling the pinch. DJDeedle is implementing his own stimulus package, slashing tempos, dropping keys,and cutting and splicing, well, everything.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Down_Down_Down.mp3

Friday, July 18, 2008

Summer Nocturne

Midsummer is here, and the sultry nights set the mood for a different, slower, more relaxed sound.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Summer_Nocturne.mp3

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Liquid Genius of Love (Single)

Tom Tom Club's "Genius of Love" is one of the most recognizable and most popularly sampled tracks. The original song was a huge hit in 1981 and 1982, no-doubt aided by the advent of MTV. DJDeedle takes liberties with "Genius of Love," mixing in a flair here and there, as well as Gringo Star, Party Ben, Fergie, and Seal.

Direct download: DJDeedle_-_Liquid_Genius_of_Love_256kbps.mp3

Friday, July 11, 2008

The New Frontier is Here

On July 15, 1960, John F. Kennedy accepted the Democratic Party's nomination for President of the United States. In his address
to the convention in the packed Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles,
California, he declared, among other things, that "the new frontier is
here whether we seek it or not."

In honor of President Kennedy's brave rhetoric that day, DJDeedle sends you to the very edge. The new frontier is here.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_The_New_Frontier_is_Here.mp3

Friday, July 04, 2008

Ths is a Fanfare

It's our country's birthday, but the presents are all for you! With appropriate fanfare, DJDeedle serves you the fireworks, the icing, and the cake.

There's no Yankee Doodle here, just the songs you love. With a fanfare, there's no end to what you can do.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_This_is_a_Fanfare.mp3

Friday, June 27, 2008

June 28 - DJDeedle Live at the Duplex

I know it's short notice, but if you happen to be free tomorrow night, Saturday the 28th, please join DJDeedle at the Duplex Diner for delicious food, cocktails, and live Deedlecast. DJDeedle tunes will be starting at 9:30 and will continue until close.

2004 18th Street NW (18th and U Streets)

The Duplex and DJDeedle ask that you kindly leave your firearms at home.

iPhone Envy

Just a year ago, on June 29, 2007, Apple shocked the world with the introduction of the ultimate hand-held gadget to date -- the Iphone. And next week, Apple will release it's second edition of their ultimate do-dad.

The Iphone is a unique phenomenon in the culture: simultaneously pretentious and geeky. Its sleek tactile functionality has made it almost a fetish for owners, and powerfully envy inducing for the rest of us. Though DJDeedle and the Long-Suffering-One have been helpless to resist the multitude of other Apple products, both computers and ipods, we have thus far resisted the Iphone Borg implants. We've managed this for two reasons: (1) the Iphone is locked to AT&T wireless service; and (2) we like our ipods, and we like our cell phones, but we do not want them to be the same device. The last thing DJDeedle needs is phonecalls interrupting his musical bliss.

This Deedlecast is dedicated to both the Iphone haves and have-nots

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_iPhone_Envy.mp3

Friday, June 20, 2008


A recording made by Thomas Edison in 1877 has long been thought to be the first artificially recorded sound. It turns out, the first recordings were made in 1860 by Frenchman, Edouard-Leon Scott deMartinville, using a Phonautograph. The recording medium was merely paper covered in soot, so the sound literally emerges from smoke. As a result of advances in audio technology, these phonautograph recordings can now be heard again using lasers which do not damage or degrade these precious artifacts.

This Deedlecast starts with the very first sound every recorded using the phonautograph (albeit altered quite a bit by dj magic). There are some other similarly altered phonautographic bits and pieces sprinkled throughout the show.

Learn more about the phonautograph.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Phonautograph.mp3

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I Am Me Cruel Summer Luv

DJDeedle loves the summer, but it's only the second week of June and already the summer's become cruel. Happily, DJDeedle's longtime friend, and an extremely talented musician, Walter knows how to take Deedle's mind of the heat. Walter is acquainted with not just DJDeedle, but other more bona fide musicians, and took the liberty of forwarding his Brion's mix/remix of Sean Paul's unreleased "Me Luv." Of course, Deedle couldn't help himself and presents "I Am Me Cruel Summer Love," comprised of Brion's "Me Luv" (with Sean Paul) v. Massive Attack's "I Am" v. Ace of Base's "Cruel Summer".

Many thanks, Brion, Walter, and, of course, Sean Paul. When "Me Luv" is released, please buy it!

Direct download: DJDeedle_-_I_Am_Me_Cruel_Summer_Love.mp3

Friday, June 13, 2008

Fractal Lounge

DJDeedle welcomes you to the Fractal Lounge: a setting of unusual melodies and intricate repeating patterns evolving into something entirely different and surprising.

A fractal often has the following features:

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Fractal_Lounge.mp3

Friday, June 06, 2008

Let's Talk About Sex

Let's turn our attention to humankind's favorite subject, SEX.

This Deedlecast contains adult themes and may not be suitable for listeners of all ages.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Lets_Talk_About_Sex.mp3

Friday, May 30, 2008

It's All Mixed

DJDeedle presents some appropriately mixed music for these mixed-up times.

Caution: This Deedlecast contains some terms inappropriate for mixed company.
Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Its_All_Mixed.mp3

Friday, May 23, 2008

Get Loaded and Have a Good Time

NOTE: Reposted due to technical difficulties.

It's Memorial Day weekend, the traditional start of the summer season. While Memorial Day is supposed to be a holiday commemorating American men and women who have died in military service to their country, most of the country takes the opportunity to ignore the more serious aspect of the holiday, and take the weekend to get loaded and have a good time. Please feel free to enjoy your Memorial Day holiday, get loaded, and have a good time. Just don't forget all those service members we've lost, and those still at risk. This Deedlecast is dedicated to them.

US Deaths in Iraq since March 20th, 2003

Special Note:
What could be more American than Tammy Wynette? The late (yet immortal) Ms. Wynette makes a guest appearance this week on Deedlecast along with her friends, the Justified Ancients of Mu Mu (The JAMs or KLF) in DJDeedle's special arrangement of a surprising classic.
Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Get_Loaded__Have_a_Good_Time.mp3

Friday, May 16, 2008

Big Audio Beatdown

DJDeedle brings it -- the biggest beatdown around. Can you take it?
Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Big_Audio_Beatdown1.mp3

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More Mika: DJDeedle - Relax[ation] Method

Friday's Deedlecast, "What Lola Wants," featured a mash of Mika's "Relax (Take It Easy)." Who knew Mika was so popular? Several requests this weekend have convinced DJDeedle to go through his Mika bits and bytes and give you another, extended, flavor of "Relax."

Direct download: DJDeedle_-_Relaxation_Method.mp3

Friday, May 09, 2008

What Lola Wants

You've got to learn a little trick whereby a man climbs up above his fellow man. The trick is not who does what, but who does what, when.

All the while, though, keep in mind the biggest trick of all:

what Lola wants, Lola gets.

Caution: Lola wants some rude language here and there.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_What_Lola_Wants.mp3

Friday, May 02, 2008

Club Pleasuredome

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree:
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.

Samuel Taylor Colridge, "Kubla Khan: or A Vision, A Dream, A Fragment."

This week, DJDeedle takes you to the mysterious, elusive, and exclusive Club Pleasuredome. Those of you who enjoyed the visit to the club too hip for me should especially relish this visit to a most opulent and energetic dance club.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_Club_Pleasuredome.mp3

Friday, April 25, 2008

High Energy Transmission

DJDeedle studios has been bombarded with high energy particles. This Deedlecast is a high energy transmission from DJDeedle Studios directly to your ears.

Direct download: Deedlecast_-_High_Energy_Transmission.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 1:00 AM

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

BBC News 24 (Deedle's Convergent Mix)

Inspired by a good friend's, and fellow BBC fan's, blog post about BBC News' revamped image, title music, and opening sequence, this is a mix of three of the incomparable David Lowe's BBC sequences, and seven other BBC 24 News countdowns, announcements, and stings from the early 80s to the present.

Don't forget, the next Deedlecast airs on its usual Friday, and the next news bulletin is at the top of the hour.

Direct download: DJDeedle_-_BBC_News_24_Deedles_Convergent_Mix.mp3